



Business Services

“ You focus on your own work, and leave the rest of the work to us.”
Focus on Your Main Activity and Leave your Administrative Operations to Alka Team:

All foreign individuals and companies, from the beginning of investment and activity to the time of fully launching their business in Iran, need to use administrative services such as opening a bank account in Iran, employing personnel, arranging and concluding work contracts with employees, concluding an insurance contract for employees and sending the list of insured employees to the insurance company etc. in Iran.

Alka Group provides all the following services both before the full start of your activity and after the start of the company’s activity. As a result, you can focus on your main activity and leave your administrative operations to Alka Team.

Providing Human Resource and Carrying out Recruitment;

Employing new forces in the organization and hiring them requires taking actions such as publishing a job advertisement, preparing specialized information forms, coordinating general and specialized interviews, etc. In large commercial companies, these tasks are usually the responsibility of the organization’s recruitment and employment department. Many large and small companies cooperate with recruitment agencies to recruit and employ new employees. Alka Team offers you all the services you need in this field.

Drafting and Concluding Labor Contracts with Employees in Iran;

Another administrative and personnel service is the conclusion of a labor contract with the personnel employed in the organization. All private and government organizations must follow the mandatory rules contained in the labor law of the Islamic Republic of Iran to employ labor. Drafting a work contract in Iran is a specialized legal matter and it is recommended that this work be done by specialists in contract affairs. Alka Team law office in Iran is with you in this field and by preparing and concluding work contracts in Iran in accordance with the law of the Islamic Republic of Iran, it prevents possible disputes.

Concluding an Insurance Contract for Employees and Sending the List of Insured Employees to The Insurance Company;

According to the labor law of the Islamic Republic of Iran, all employers must insure their workers. Therefore, one of the duties of the organization after hiring and employing the force is to conclude the medical service and pension insurance contract for its employees. Therefore, by assuming this responsibility in outsourcing this work, Alka Team is with you and provides valuable services.

“You focus on your own work, leave the rest of the work to us.”

Work With Us

Tailored Services

Elevate your experience with services that are designed just for you. Our services are unique in that, they are customized for your unique business requirements.

Strategic Solutions, Tangible Results

Unlocking success through skilled planning and decisive action, our strategic solutions deliver tangible and measurable results.

Simple, Cost-Effective Pricing

Our comprehensive services in an integrated manner, will help you prepare your business preliminaries in the simplest way and at the most reasonable price.

We Speak Your Language

As, our services, are provided in Farsi, Turkish, and English languages, you wıll achieve better results by communicating effectively.

Feel Safe in Iran’s Market

Having legal services along with other commercial and investment services will help you feel safe in interacting with Iran’s market.

You Will Not Be Alone

Our services are designed in such a way that we can be by your side from before to after the start of activity in Iran and accompany you on this path.